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Bump & Blemish® is the most effective solution for:

  • razor bumps | bikini bumps

  • razor burn

  • ingrown hairs

Plus, it brightens the skin for a radiant, even skin tone!

Sometimes the terms razor bumps, bikini bumps, ingrown hairs, razor burn, pseudofolliculitis barbae, PFB, and even pimples, are used interchangeably, but there are differences between them. So please read on and see what your condition is more closely related to.


Razor bumps are caused when a hair is trapped into the skin, or exits and grows back into the skin. The body reacts to this out-of-place hair as if it were a foreign object, resulting in redness, swelling and pain. Sometimes infection also occurs so it becomes a pimple-like structure.
Razor bumps are common on the face, and this condition is known as PseudoFolliculitis Barbae or PFB; a very common complication of hair removal by shaving. If the razor bumps occur in the bikini area, they are called bikini bumps. Bikini bumps happen sometimes by themselves, but are more common when the area is shaved or waxed.

How are razor bumps formed?

The most common hair removal technique is shaving. One of the drawbacks of shaving is that when the hair is cut by the blade, it creates a sharp edge on it. When the hair begins to grow back, and especially if it is thick and curly, it tends to grow back into the skin instead of straight out the follicle, leading to an foreign body reaction.

The body attacks the hair growing out of place, and the area becomes red, bumpy and itchy. Infection may occur leading to pimple-like pustules.

There are two types of bumps, one internal (the most common) in which the hair never exits the skin, and another external, in which the hair briefly exits the skin then re-enters it a short distance away.

Internal razor bump (most common)
Razor bump - internal
External razor bump
Razor bump - external

Avoid razor bumps by using proper shaving techniques (see Shaving tips) and applying BUMP & BLEMISH® after shaving, followed by a soothing moisturizer such as QUENCH PT®.


Ingrown hairs occur when over- stimulated epidermis blocks a hair from exiting the skin. Waxing or sugaring removes the hair with its roots. It also removes the upper layers of the stratum corneum. This stimulates the epidermis to grow back. Sometimes, the new growing hair is trapped by the over-active epidermis before it can exit the follicle. More rarely, follicles weakened by electrolysis or laser, may also become ingrown.

Ingrown hairs that are located just under the upper layer of the skin (the epidermis) usually can be seen through the skin, and are easily liberated by using a pair of tweezers or very superficially piercing the skin with a needle (please desinfect the instrument carefully first!). However, if the ingrown is located deeper, it may trigger a foreign body reaction with the skin becoming red, elevated and itchy: now the ingrown has become a "razor bump" as described above.

Avoid ingrown hairs by following proper waxing and sugaring techniques (see Waxing Instructions page) and by applying BUMP & BLEMISH ®  after depilation, followed by a soothing moisturizer such as QUENCH PT®


Razor burn, or razor rash, is a skin irritation that manifests just as a burning feeling, or it can be a full-fledged rash if bad enough.
There are two types: one that occurs immediately after shaving, and another one that happens 2-3 days after shaving. They have different causes.
Razor burn that starts within a few minutes of shaving, can be caused by dry shaving, pressing too hard while shaving, or shaving with dull blades.
Delayed razor burn happens when the hair starts to grow, but the opening of the follicle has been partially obstructed due to skin debris, skin inflammation, excessive skin regrowth, or occlusive skin products. Delayed razor burn usually disappears after a few hours or a few days, depending on severity. It is a common problem in areas like the bikini line, pubic hair, underarms, chest, and beard.
Avoid any type of razor burn by keeping your skin exfoliated, by using proper shaving techniques (see How to use page) and by applying BUMP & BLEMISH ® after shaving, followed by a soothing non-occlussive moisturizer such as QUENCH PT®.


Once you have an ingrown hair for a while, or a bump, the melanocytes of the skin (pigment producing cells) become hyperactive and generate more melanin (the dark pigment that gives skin and hair its color). Any irritation of the skin can trigger this process. It is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The increase in melanine, shows as dark spots or darker areas (discoloration).

BUMP & BLEMISH ® has 3 naturally derived ingredients (Chromabright, Sabiwhite and Oxyresvenox) that help brighten the skin. Skin brightening is a rather slow process so be patient! Expect to see a more even skin tone after at least 8 week of regular use.

NOTE: you MUST stay out of the sun, or use a high SPF sunscreen, otherwise your darkened areas will continue.

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